Little Readers’ Nook

Little Readers' Nook

Discover life lessons that stay through exciting stories and play!

Stories that touch, move and inspire are a powerful tool to convey ideas, emotions, and values.

Countless Little Readers have discovered these essential life skills - handpicked by WHO for a happy and successful life - at a Little Readers’ Nook class near you.

- Classes For Children

We offer three levels of story-based integrated learning classes for ages 2 to 10. Know more and find a class near you...

- Training Adults

Keen to regale children with stories yourself? Parents and teachers can learn our unique Story Quest methodology in a training course available from the comfort of your home. We also help skilled trainees open their own Little Readers’ Nook story class or add our story-based curriculum in their existing class. Know more and begin training now...


Happy Parents Say

Esteemed Partners

Besides conducting weekly classes for children, we also tell stories at children’s festivals, host training workshops for schools and parents, and work with corporate and NGO outreach programs.

Here’s a sneak peek into some of our most prestigious hosts in the past 10 years!